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If you've ever heard the name Elsa Leite Fenabel, chances are it was in association with Dubai. She was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil and raised in London before moving to Dubai where she has developed a large following on social media. This post will introduce readers to Elsa's background, how she came to live in Dubai, what her current life is like there, and her plans for the future. It will also include a video of Elsa reminiscing about her time there before she leaves for London on March 26th 2019. Elsa's family owns several businesses in Sao Paulo, Brazil - including Palheta, one of the largest construction material wholesalers in Latin America. Elsa attended a private school and then studied French and Spanish at Oxford University in the UK. She then returned to Brazil to work for her family's business there. In her late teens and early twenties Elsa ran a blog about Paris fashion. But one day she found herself longing for the beach and sunshine - and decided to move to Dubai. She eventually settled there and started a lifestyle blog on youtube called The Skinny Girly. She was one of the first bloggers to develop a following on social media in Dubai and was very popular with millennials. Over time, Elsa's content has evolved from fashion to topics such as life as an expat. She now has half a million followers across Instagram, Twitter and Youtube. A lot of her videos revolve around challenges that expats sometimes face, such as how long it can take for your actual passport to arrive or how irritating the bureaucracy can be. Elsa is also known for her short film "Falling in love in Dubai" which is based on love stories she stumbled upon while living there. The film has been described as a 'bittersweet tale' and a 'true-to-life insight into the delicate, bittersweet nature of relationships in Dubai'. In her spare time, Elsa runs a shop in Dubai called Moth Story. She likes to take pictures of clothes and jewelry displayed there, as well as architecture and interiors. She also enjoys reading books about women's issues as well as traveling. In 2018 Elsa announced that she is moving back to Britain - mainly due to the visa situation in UAE. This has been well received by her social media followers from around the world who have been following her story from Dubai for several years now. Note that this is a story of Elsa's life before moving to Dubai, and not a description of how she lives after moving to Dubai. Elsa was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil. She moved to London as a child with her family business there. She attended private schools and went on to study French and Spanish at the university in Oxford. In her twenties she began running a lifestyle blog about Paris fashion. Her content evolved over time into topics such as living as an expat as well as short film reviews for youtube under the name The Skinny Girly. Her passport issue story gained international attention when it was featured on BuzzFeed, Buzzfeed News and Teen Vogue among others. cfa1e77820